Catfish Details

  • Water Type: anadromous
  • Latin Name: Siluriformes
  • Common Names: Catfish, River Cat
  • Last Modified By: davetroy on 08/11/10 11:54 AM
  • Ask about Catfish in our forum


Baits and Tackle for Catfish

Live Baits Check Prices

  • Live Bluegills and Shad.
  • Hot dogs! Put hot dog on hook ans attatch drop shot

Live Bait (Other) Check Prices

  • either cubed mackeral,trout worms,nught crawlers

Other Check Prices

  • Sonny's Channel Cat Bait.
    If you don't get a bite in 15 minutes,,,,, move!!! Best stuff I have ever used.
  • chicken livers
  • Strike King catfish dynamite on a slip float rig.
  • Chicken Liver
  • hot dog dipped in Anise oil

Hard Swimbait Check Prices

  • usnig one of those craw fish hard plastic lures used it with BANG sprayed on and this one hit hard. Great Bass lake also.

Worm Check Prices

  • green 6in worm on a knuckle head jig
  • Live trout worms

Nightcrawler Check Prices

  • swivel hook texas rigged
  • used weiners in a sauce cut to fit 1/0 hook with a worm to hold weiner on hook fish off of bottom
  • cast it to the side near the littel pump house but farther out
  • bottom drifting worms
  • fat canadian night crawlers
  • canadian night crawlers
  • Just hook up a night crawler and get fishing

Catfish Description

Catfish (order Siluriformes) are a diverse group of ray-finned fish. Named for their prominent barbels, which resemble a cat's whiskers, catfish range in size and behavior from the heaviest and longest, the Mekong giant catfish from Southeast Asia and the second longest, the wels catfish of Eurasia, to detritivores (species that eat dead material on the bottom), and even to a tiny parasitic species commonly called the candiru, Vandellia cirrhosa. There are armour-plated types and also naked types, neither having scales. Despite their name, not all catfish have prominent barbels; members of the Siluriformes order are defined by features of the skull and swimbladder. Catfish are of considerable commercial importance; many of the larger species are farmed or fished for food. Many of the smaller species, particularly the genus Corydoras, are important in the aquarium hobby.

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