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"Get Hooked on Louisiana"

Striped Bass Plaki (plaa-Key) Recipe for Striped Bass

Title: Striped Bass Plaki (plaa-Key)
by daddyp
Type: Entree
Servings: 4
Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time: 20 Minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour total (2 step process)
Ingredients: 1 to1-1/2# striper portioned
4 large sweet yellow onions
1 can Hunt's Diced Fire Roasted Tomatoes
5 whole allspice seeds
salt & pepper
enough flour to lightly coat fish
olive oil
Directions: -Slice onions into 1/4" Jullienne strips and place in a saucepan with oil, salt & pepper and allspice on med high heat. When the onions begin to cook down and caramelize add tomatoes.(about 15 min.)
-Put this mix into a baking pan, cover with foil and place into a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes.
-While the onions are getting happy lighly flour your fish.
-When you pull out your onions, add the fish and gently push it into the onions so that its even with them. Cover and put your pan back into the oven for about 25 minutes or until fish is done.
Other Notes: This recipe works well with any white fleshed fillet of fish, but striper adds a nice richness to this dish.
Date Added: 08/27/10 07:34 PM

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